Pattern Development

We employ a precise and stringent sample manufacturing process to enable you to accurately judge workmanship, quality, fabric, fit and aesthetics. This provides a means for making revisions and alterations prior to bulk production, establishing fabric and thread consumption for accurate cost evaluation and assessing the capabilities of our team. We have a deep understanding of how to handle a wide variety of fabrics as well as how certain fabrications may react according to design specifications.

Our cutters, seamstresses, pressers and finishers create pre-production samples using source materials to confirm the final product. They are created using the exact specifications of the eventual large-scale production. These samples are then used as a reference for bulk production, photoshoots and as showroom samples.

  • Fittings
  • Cut & sew
  • Prototype samples
  • Size set samples

Included Services
Helping You Satisfy Your Target Market

Design Phase

The first set of samples are a part of the design phase, including everything from initial design to patternmaking. During this critical phase, we help you establish a strong base from which to build your collection.

  • Mockup
  • Proto sample
  • Digital garment sample

Evaluation Phase

During the evaluation phase, we finalize garment fit, predict costs and establish quantities to be ordered. This helps us optimize lead times and create an action plan that fits your project and sets you up, as well as our manufacturing team, for smooth operations.

  • Salesman samples
  • Sew-by samples
  • Size-set samples

Quality Control Phase

Following collection approval, a series of samples are pulled to ensure the consistency and quality of the final batches. These samples are an essential part of curating a collection that satisfies your target market and is able to successfully integrate into the competitive apparel industry.

  • Pre-production samples
  • Top-of-production samples
  • Shipment samples

Want to chat?

We can’t wait to sew your vision to life. Just get in touch with us - we’d love to help you out.